
We have lived in Tasmania for over a year now and really needed a holiday.  We came to Tasmania looking for some cooler weather, and boy, did we get that!  So much so that we have come to detest the relentless cold weather here.  Just a few days of actual hot weather a year does not cut it.  And btw, hot weather is anything above 23C.  Yep, any hotter than that and the air con goes on.  I guess that is because we are closer here to the big hole in the atmosphere.....mmmm.  




 We have been visiting Malaysia for over 10 years for dental work.  Every time we go we take a few days to explore the many beautiful islands Malaysia has to offer.  This time we chose Pulau Perhentian, on the north-east coast.  Pulau Perhentian is made up of the big island, Besar and the small island, Kecil.  Pulau means Island.  

We stayed at Long Beach on Kecil.


A few days in paradise with plenty of sun, sea, snorkling, seafood and cocktails was just what we needed. 😎

We stayed at the Mimpi Resort.  It was the only resort in the area that had a lovely infinity pool with stunning sea views over the bay.  I would recommend it here.  Price was good, morning breakfast not the best that we have had, but enough variety to have something different each day.  There was only one problem, no grog due to it being Muslem.  Oh well, their loss.  We just hiked up to the other end of the beach for lunch and afternoon drinks at the Bubu Resort.

Tip:  If you have had too much food and drink and do not want to face the long walk back to Mimpi, don't worry, you can catch a boat taxi for $3.  😊 


Chef Angelo

The Bar Staff

Staff at the Resort we got to know by name.
That's the resort Mum in the middle.


Funny story....  The first day that we arrived, the heat the humidity hit us big time.  We did not get off to a good start.

We arrived early, our room was not ready so we ditched our suitcases and asked for a coldie.  What?  No grog?  We were not impressed.  They pointed to the other end of the bay.  So we headed up the beach.

15 minutes later....  don't know how I made it!  We arrived at the Bubu.  I ordered water.  What?....  you say?  Aussirose is drinking that tastless stuff?  Yep, I felt so hot, exhausted and dehidrated.  

Don't worry though.  After sculling and tipping the rest over my head, I had cooled down enough to order a nice cold beer that went down extra well.  🍺😋



So I guess you are wondering where the Perhentian Islands are and how we got there?

Perhentian lies in the South China Sea east of Kuala Lumpur.  We decided to take the bus, a relaxing 6 1/2 journey through the interior of Malaysia from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Besut.  Check out our Perdana Express Bus Video below.

We took with us some snax and a couple of beers, sat back and enjoyed the passing countryside.  We stopped half way at Gua Musang for a cheap lunch consisting of spicy hot fried chicken and coke.

You can also fly here but we wanted to see some of the Malaysian countryside, and of course it was very cheap at around $10 pp one way. 

It was pretty cool sitting up the front end of the bus up on the top deck.  We had a fantastic view and were able to stretch out and rest our feet on the dash board.  Probably a bit naughty, but we left it clean after.


 Map of the trip.



Kuala Besut is a little coastal village and we felt like we were stepping back in time.  

Unfortunatly, I do not have any photos.  This is a very sad moment for me.  I had started this page shortly after we got back from KL.  A few weeks after, I lost all of my photos in an external hard drive that became corrupted.  This is something none of us want to happen.  I was devistated!

Luckily, I was able to retreive most from Google Photos.  This is not going to happen again.  I chose to go back to Flickr and sign up for Flickr Pro, paying $15 a month for unlimited uploads.  So after working at this, downloading photos from Google Photos and uploading to Flickr, a long and tedius process (thank goodness I have a lot of patience), I am currently sitting at 7,900 photos on Flickr.

And now it is time to finish this blog.


Anyway, getting back to Kuala Besut.  The next few photos I have borrowed from Trip Advisor, wikimedia, busonline.com and google maps street view as I want to show you where we stayed, ate, booked our boat tickets and the ferry terminal.

We stayed in basic 2 star accommodation, Samudera Hotel which was within walking distance from the ferry terminal.  I would recommend this accommodation.  The staff were nice, room basic but clean and it was very cheap.  We booked via booking.com.  

Around the corner we ate at a small Chinese Restaurant called the Lucky Seafood Restaurant, where the food is good and cheap and the beer is cold.  Across the road was Seven Seas whom we had pre-booked our ferry tickets with.  We had to meet there the morning of our ferry trip and they walked us all to the ferry.  I took a video of this, but unfortunately......  yes you guessed it.  😔

Kuala Besut Bus Terminal - C/- busonline.com

20m from our Hotel - c/- Google Street View

Looking back at Samudera Hotel - c/- Google Street View

Kuala Besut Ferry Terminal - c/- wikimedia

Lucky Seafood Chinese Restaurant - c/- Google Street View

Lucky Seafood Chinese Restaurant - c/- Trip Advisor

Seven Seas Ferries - c/- Google Street View



The Perhentian Islands are 2 islands called Big and Small.  Perhentian Besar is the big island, Besar is translated as big.  Perhentian Kecil is the small island.

Mimpi Resort has its own jetty which makes it easier to get on and off the boat.  We dropped a number of people off that were staying at Besar on to other boats to be taken to their accommodation via a beach drop off.  That also happened for another couple that were staying at the Bubu where we dined most of the time during our stay at Mimpi.  Btw, the Babu is more expensive than the Mimpi.

The jetty is a great place to take early morning sunrises.  These are some of my new favourite photos.  Thank goodness I did not lose them!  Phew.  


These 2 photos with bits in focus and out of focus were taken with my Lensbaby Edge 35mm



 October is end of the season and quite a few businesses had shut down for the monsoon.  Lucky for us, we had fantastic weather.

I would imagine that during the tourist season, evening beach activities would be in full swing with many beach cocktail bars, fire shows and loud music.  

So it was nice to walk along the beach without the full on touristy vibe, although I would have liked it to have been a bit more active.  When we walked along the beach, the poor fire show dude had no one in the audiance.  I would have stopped longer, however hubby was looking forward to our comfy bed back at the hotel.  😞

Please see my Island Life video below.




 We did a couple of snorkling trips.  Thank goodness I did not lose my favourite photos.  The rest are on the video below entitled Island Hopping.

Our first snorkling trip took in spots on Pulau Perhentian Besar.  See the above map.  Shark Point, Turtle Beach and Blue Lagoon.

The next day we discovered islands above Pulau Perhentian Kecil.  We snorkled the dark waters of Pulau Susa Dara, boated past Pulau Tokong Kemudi to Pulau Rawa to a stunning beach there.  Unfortunately we did not see any reef sharks and turtles that they rave about in Pulau Perhentian.  However, the beaches most certainly lived up to the hype.  They are all gorgeous!!

My favourite beach is located on the west side of Kecil and aptly called Romantic Beach.  This is a jaw-dropping beach and I would describe it as paradise.  Check out my video below.

Blue Lagoon - Turtle Beach

Blue Lagoon

Crystal waters of Blue Lagoon

Pulau Tokong Kemudi between Pulau Susa Dara and Pulau Rawa

Pulau Susa Dara - We snorkled behind the big island

Turtle Beach

Rawa Island Beach

Pulau Rawa Beach

Romantic Beach

Romantic Beach Panorama



Back on the mainland, the bus trip back was due to leave in the morning so there was no way we would be able to boat it back in time to make the departure time, so I had to find a place to stay for the night.  

I decided to look for something Malay authentic and on the beach and found this quaint cabin accommodation.


Manor Beach Resort consisted of Balinese type cabins with wood furnishings and lovely open roof shower.  On the other hand there was also motel like accommodation in an old run down building with a pool that needed attention.

The whole place required tender loving care.  Looks like nothing has been spent for years.  There wasn't really a decent pathway to the beach, but it was nice to go for an early morning wander to the sound of a comical rooster.

Speaking of that, check out my video below.  This funny little rooster had a real interesting crow.  He'd crow, and then make a little chook sound at the end, like a full stop.  However it didn't stop.  30 seconds later, he would do it all over again.  Had us in fits of laughter.




We stayed at the Pullman KLCC just behind the Pavilian shopping centre in KL. 

We have stayed here before but that was when it was called the Prince Hotel.  They have certainly upgraded it and it has now become our hotel of preference when staying in KL.

As said at the outset of this blog, we have been coming here for dental treatment at Dental Pro.  I would recommend it.  They come and pick you up from your hotel and drop you back off after.  Dental Pro is a state of the art dental hospital.  They reclocated since the last time we visited, closer to town.  But still the same 5 star treatment and service.  

In fact they gave us both a present this time celebrating their 20 years of dental service in which we have been visiting well over 10 years.  The present was a lovely silk scarf each presented in a beautiful box and accompanying card and small native leaves (we could not take them home to Australia).  But how nice is that.  


Anyway, back to the Pullman.  I booked us into a Club Room for the last few nights of our holiday.  The Club Room is ultimate accommodation.  Dining in the club lounge is out of this world.  The dishes are perfect along with an outstanding selection.  They also have free breakfast, brunch and happy hour.  

Please check out my Pullman KLCC & Towers video below.



This time in KL we didn't really do any sight seeing.  We did take the time one day to catch the free KL bus and did the round trip to KL Towers.  

Below are some photos taken off my video (see below) as obviously the photos that I took on the day are no longer retrievable. 

This is probably our last time in KL for a while.  We cannot see any forseeable teeth problems..... but you never know.

We continue to rave about Dental Pro and tell everyone how good they are.  

Below is a pic of our dentist Syed Azman.  

He is the best!


Dentalpro.org - Senior Dentist Syed Azkman




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